TERA followup: no, male castanics are not “as bad” (lots of pictures)

Over the weekend, someone must have linked my old TERA post to the official TERA forums as I got a flood of troll comments on that post. Most of the comments really weren’t really more than a waste of space and many of them repeated each other, since trolls often seem to lack in originality. The responses I got can be roughly summarized as follows:

  • hurr hurr you’re ugly (3 comments)
  • it’s just a game/it’s just fantasy (5 comments)
  • I’m a woman and I’m not bothered by it (1 comment)
  • you feminist bitches are so silly (3 comments)
  • you’re making this all about you (2 comments)
  • nonsensical slurs (1 comment)
  • games are for men (1 comment)
  • talking about discrimination is stupid and makes people feel bad (2 comments)
  • omg ur biased for not showing male castanics who are just as bad (2 comments)

Now it’s worth pointing out that I did get one comment from a TERA user who wasn’t comfortable with the others trolling my blog:

While we may disagree with some of the author’s points, can we avoid the personal attacks?

So, thekillerangel, thank you for trying to inject a little sanity into the flood of outraged temper tantrums.

Now ordinarily I wouldn’t bother dignifying this sort of thing with too much of a response besides dropping some pertinent links in the comment thread for people who stumble across the post in the future. However, the whole charge that male castanics are “just as bad” and that not showing them was “revealing my bias” or some such really stuck in my craw.

For one thing, they’re completely ignoring all of my points about the promotional art that centers on nearly naked women next to fully covered men. Not one of the commenters even tried to address that, I’m guessing because it didn’t fit into their comfortable knee-jerk reactions. But even ignoring that point, I can say that I’ve seen screenshots of male castanics, and sure they’ve got rippling abs and low cut pants. But that is NOT THE SAME as two spangles and a cork. It’s just not. So I want to debunk this publicly.

A brief side note before I continue

In my previous TERA post, I used problematic language when talking about the women of TERA. In a subsequent post and discussion, I repented of my use of the word slut, so for those of you following this link who missed out on that discussion, please don’t rake me over hot coals for my use of the word slut. I’m aware it was terrible, and it’s kind of tangential to the point I’m trying to make today. (Thanks.)

Back to business: some pictures

So the first order of business when examining these claims that male castanics are just as sexualized as female castanics is to round up a shit ton of screen shots. So here, for your edification, is a collection of male castanics showing some skin:


Now sure, they’re all showing a fair amount of skin. And yes several of them are wearing some low-cut pants. But you know what all of them have that none of the TERA women do? F*CKING PANTS:


Not a single one of these models is wearing anything that could be called pants. Many of them are exposing portions of thigh, which the male models don’t do. Many are also exposing portions of buttock, which the male models don’t do. And while male castanics might have low-cut pants, that’s a far sight from the dental floss that half of the female castanics seem to be wearing.

Furthermore, it is possible to find male armor sets for castanics that fully cover the male model:

Do you know how many armor sets exist that fully cover female castanic models? NOT ONE. Don’t believe me? Check out the armor sets for yourself: female armor sets here, male armor sets here.

The following is the most conservative female castanic armor I could find:

And you know what? That’s really not so bad. That is until you consider that the most conservative armor set I could find still consists of a micro-minidress with a cleavage window and stripper boots.

So really, all of you trolls complaining that male castanics are “just as bad” are helping to make my point for me. When you line male and female castanics up next to each other, it is patently obvious that female castanics are consistently more sexualized than male castanics. The fact that six armor options exist for male castanics to be covered completely and not one exists for females is a compelling fact that needs to be considered as well.

This insistence that the treatment of male and female castanics is equal is yet another illustration of how sexualization of women in games is seen as normal while sexualization of men is seen as “extreme”. The male castanics, while definitely sexay, are still only mildly sexualized. The female castanics are extremely sexualized – after all, I have yet to see any screen shots used as promo that show a male castanic greased up with two nipple pasties and a sock to go fight monsters. And yet there is a subset of gamer who has gotten so desensitized to the oversexualization of women in their games that they read these two groups as being treated equally. It’s kind of a sad statement of the state of gaming when you think about it.

44 thoughts on “TERA followup: no, male castanics are not “as bad” (lots of pictures)

  1. While 100 % agree on your point here and talking about equality in male and female armor sets in TERA is absurd I don’t know if calling those male armors “mildly sexualized” is something I’d agree on. Sure in comparison to female armors definitely they are. While it wasn’t the point of your post I think if you put your typical artistic criticism to it I am not sure it would be described like that. I mean these designs are pretty ludicrous, they aren’t making good armor or actually armor at all, some poses ( while again nowhere close to the equalization and ridiculness of female ones) seems anatomically odd and hard to maintain for longer then couple of seconds. I mean these are “mildly sexualized” because now we know how much scale can and did sunk in with actual female TERA amours and if female armor wouldn’t look like they do but was exactly on par with design and presentation as present male armors would they be called “mildly sexualized” as well ?

    • What I meant and I guess I didn’t articulate well was the fact that the male castanics are mildly sexualized in comparison to the female castanics who are EXTREMELY sexualized. Yes I understand that the armors are incredibly impractical and objectifying.

  2. Male castanics are just as bad, eh? Could someone link me to the video where it shows the male doing a bunch of hip gyrations (I’d even settle for hip thrusts) every time he casts a spell, then? I’d really like to see it. 😛

    (I tried to search Youtube with “tera male castanic sorcerer” and admittedly chuckled when it auto-corrected me: “Did you mean: tera female castanic sorcerer”)

  3. While I wouldn’t say the treatment is equal, calling those men “mildly” sexualized is an understatement. One of them even has his pants unbuttoned, which is probably the most sexually charged thing about any of those images.

    To be frank, I’m more willing to cut Tera a bit of slack after seeing how they present their men. The marketing for the game presented a pretty unbalanced view, highlighting the female sexuality with little evidence of the male sexuality(I’m curious if this is an American thing, and if the marketing presents it differently in Korea). It’s still ridiculous that women get one conservative armor set while men get many, and the women are clearly less clothed than the men overall. However, it now looks to me like a game that pushes the boundaries on both female and male sexualization, which is quite different than just pushing the boundaries on female sexualization(which is how I perceived it previously).

    • While I don’t know anything abort TERA lore I am not sure I would agree with you, you see some of these “guys” are wearing tight and low-rider pants and it shows pretty clear that they ekhm, khm lack some important “manly bits” so I don’t know.. it put it in a different perspective I guess…

      • Thread on lore -> http://www.tera-online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13946
        Their aesthetic was based off of the succubus/incubus, so yeah, they’re going to be over sexualized. And, by lore standards, they descend from a very tribe-like civilization, which means decency is not really on their top priorities.

        Honestly, at first, I was extremely put off by the shirts disguised as dresses, the medallions used as thongs, and the ENORMOUS high heals that they wear, but when I stopped looking at all that exposed skin, and actually started looking at the art direction of the clothes, is when the armors started to grow on me. In fact, that scarlet robe with the big fluffy collar, and the phoenix on the back and the tall the white boots with the wicked heals, was the robe that sold me on playing a Castanic sorcerer. It’s SOOOooo glam rock, and I love it. ♥

        • Ok, so I’m gonna reply to my own reply to someone else, because WordPress likes to eat my comments.

          First off, in my mind, this was the most modest of the CASTANIC robes: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fr/2464-castanic_f_r06.html
          Notice she’s wearing pants? There are actually quite a few occurrences where she wears pants that you seemed to have missed.
          One of the legs is split here, but still, it’s not too much skin: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fl/2454-castanic_f_l13.html
          See? Both hips covered.

          If we’re on the subject of quantity of skin being shown, the High Elves, Aman, and even Baraka (males) show a lot of skin.
          Aman: (They wear less lower coverage than the Castanics!)
          Baraka: (Notice on the back shot.)
          High Elf: (I’m just gonna give you the whole damn gallery)

          And with your feelings that the Castanic males are not as sexualized as the females, I have a problem. You seem to be alluding to more skin = more sexualized, which isn’t ENTIRELY correct (in my humble opinion, of course). It does have so effect, yes, but it doesn’t, by any means, have all the effect. (Note: Until further notice, most of this stuff is pulled directly out of my ass! :D) You also have to take into account posture*, and facial expressions (which, in my opinion, have more baring on sexualization than just a mere lack of clothes). Then you have to face the facts that maybe, men and women look in different places for something to find sexually attractive.
          (Completely pulled out of my ass -v)
          Going on the how-to-dress-for-sexytime route:
          Most women I know like a guy who knows how to keep his shirt on, they like a guy who knows how to dress up a little, but still knows how and when to pull off “Bow chicka wow wow mode” without looking cheesy. While, of course, guys like to see the woman’s silhouette, and the natural grace of her curves, hence why guys like looking at scantily clad women.
          (Damn, it’s getting late)
          For the posture route:
          In general, (for pre-relationship/pre-flirting/COMPLETELY anonymous perception) women usually look for how a man observes his surroundings, knowing full well where he stands, and how events are flowing around him. (Confident, but still watchful eyes, shoulders back to show dominance, straight back for strength, and feet aligned with hips for sturdiness)
          For men, it seems to be a bit different. Now, I’m not a dude, so I don’t know what exactly goes on in their heads, but have seen how they react to this kind of stuff, and by what I’ve seen, they seem to look at how the woman pays attention to the events concerning herself, and those who have her attention, and how she internalizes and responds to those events. (which is why most, sensible guy, (who isn’t looking for a piece of ass) pays notice to the insecure-but-totally-fine-with-it girl, and totally freaks about her.)
          I could go on about how this probably relates to back in the stone age, where men were the hunters and had to look out and protect the family, where women had to stay in the cave and keep everyone sane, but it’s 4:30 am here, and the purple unicorn in the corner of my room is singing La Cucaracha, and he doesn’t usually do that. (Usually it’s I’m a Little Tea Pot.)

          Moral of the story: Gender roles suck, wordpress eats long posts, and don’t delve into deep psychology and try to write about it after 1 am in the morning.

          *(Here’s a playlist of emotes of every race and sex in the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Q7iUvfJ1E&feature=mh_lolz&list=PLC38F516C9B28535D Hopefully you can practice some rectum unclenching exercises while you endure the jiggle physics. They can be a biiiiit ridiculous at times.)

          P.S. Your last post on Tera made me very very angry. Not only because, and let’s be honest, you did very minimal research on what the characters ARE, but I wrote out a nice LOOOOONG post trying to explain a version of my above post that actually makes sense, one that has actual backing and a proper flow. I mean this was a GOLDEN post on how beautiful, in my eye that is, Tera’s art direction really is. But then WordPress decided to be a jerk and eat my post like it was nothing. :C So here’s a nice, disgusting, non-revised, full of bullshit, post.

    • I don’t think that your observation is wholly correct. The male castanics are the only male characters that are sexualized to that degree. The human and high elf males are almost always covered and while the Porpois, Baraka, and Armani men show some skin, it’s mostly of the bestial/primitive kind (since they’re all either some form of bear or rock people) and the women of those races either show waaaay more skin, don’t exist, or are half naked Lolita’s. (The races in Tera are… interesting to say the least lol)

      So, yea, they push the boundaries of sexualization with the male Castanics, but they push the boundaries of female sexualization with all of the races. Very unequal in almost every regard.

      • That’s quite likely. My opinion was formed based on what was shown here, I have no idea how any of the other races are treated.

        There is no equality, even in the limited stuff shown in this post. The makers of Tera seem to be testing the waters of male sexualization, but by the sounds of it they are doing it very carefully to avoid backlash from the primarily male gaming audience. Female sexualization though, they are embracing 110%.

        • Yea, the Castanics are pretty the much only race non-Terra-fans know about, simply because they’re so super sexy and used as the poster boy/girls for the game. I’ve just researched all the races of the game on my own to see what all the hype was about. Sad to say, my inital ‘oooh look at the shiny graphics’ turned into ‘omg hi-def up-skirt shots? no thanks…’

    • Regarding your comment about how America might be advertising the game different than Korea reminds me about a game called Agarest Wars, where an intense RPG game was unnecessarily advertised as a sexy dating sim (which it had small elements of). People should advertise games for their strong elements not the minor ones. (Although I understand how publishers must grab the eye of ppl on the internet using various methods).

      • Wasn’t Agarest Wars taking the piss with those ads, though?

        That was the impression I got anyway.

  4. Okay, those guys there got me a lot more interested in this game. I don’t think I’ve ever seen MMO dudes looking sexy before. More than that, we have our sexy people that we can cover up if we choose. Actual player choice in MMOs. That’s really something different, isn’t it?

    And as for your “most conservative woman,” she dresses almost exactly like my best friend. Who is a sex worker. So I’m thinking that you’re probably right.

    • I agree. I’d probably actually play one of these guys. I’d even be willing/eager to play a warrior for a change.

    • Aion has a pretty even (not quite but a hell of alot more then Tera) oppertunity for sex appeal. They have full body coverage armor for both genders aswell as a bikini/board shorts for both genders (and even then there was a large player outcry that the males didn’t get speedos in additon to the board shorts yet the females got bikinis). Yes there is a higher percentage of female armor showing skin then male armor, but the extreme account are about equal and there’s oppertunities to make your guy run around in just as little as their female compatriots.

  5. “This insistence that the treatment of male and female castanics is equal is yet another illustration of how sexualization of women in games is seen as normal while sexualization of men is seen as “extreme”.”

    I’ve had to deal with this so effin much on the Rift forums. Apparently the 5 male armors that show male pectorals are just as bad, if not worse even, then the 55+ armor models that show female thigh, cleavage, midriff, butt cheeks, etc. *eyeroll*

    Also, true with what you said about the desensitization towards female sexualization. Many Rift forum-goers think that this is the only decent armor model for female characters, or that this is one of the few acceptable outfit ensembles you can create with the wardrobe feature, or that if we could all just get access to the defiant centurion armor, the women in the game would finally look good. And then those of who just want to have some fucntional looking *armor* like the men get by default get called prudes. It’s awesome *headdesk*

    • Two chain mail bikinis and a tear away outfit? That is the best clothing option for female characters Rift has? Or is it just that most Rift gamers forum think that?

      • Lots of forum goers think those are the only outfits that make the women look ‘feminine’ enough, with feminine here meaning sexy and revealing. Apparently all the other armors, that look more or less (usually less) like actual armors, are like unto burqas with their non-bikini-ness (their xenophobic words, not mine). Which says a lot about how they view female sexuality if you ask me.

        • Yeesh. A woman doesn’t need to be running around in panties to look feminine.

          • Sadly there are a lot of people who either dont realise or just dont think thats true.

  6. I think their armour designers have rather missed the point. The idea of wearing armour, strangely enough, is to offer protection against blows from weapons. This means good armour is generally designed to cover vulnerable bits – major organs, joints, major arteries and veins close to the skin, easily-breakable bones, reproductive organs etc. Armour, by purpose, is intended to give the user a greater chance of survival against whatever is coming up against them.

    I just had a look at the various castanic “heavy” armours. Now, heavy armour, in most sane descriptions of same, is the stuff which is designed to give the greatest amount of protection – this is why it is both literally and metaphorically “heavy”. It’s also why heavy armour users are generally your main battle fighters – people who are going to go in there and take hard blows or strong impacts. So in most cases, the heavy armour is the stuff which shows the least skin, and the most expensive version is going to offer the maximum amount of protection for your fighter.

    Unless, of course, your fighter is a female castanic on TERA. Looking at their “Level 60 Marqua Set” of heavy armour (the highest level heavy armour set), every single damn one of them leaves the abdomen entirely uncovered, the torso mostly so, and the back largely so. Their maximum protection is on the arms and legs. Now, either the females of the castanic race have some really strange anatomical quirks, which put their major organs and main arteries out in their limbs (I offer this as a possibility, and really the only one which explains this particular armouring practice) or the idea is that your high-level castanic female heavy-armour wearing character is supposed to be good enough at defense that blows aimed at these vulnerable areas just never get through.

    The starting-level castanic female robe (and let’s not forget, robes are basically ordinary clothes – the most they’re supposed to do is offer protection from the elements, and maybe indicators of status) covers more of the torso than the highest-level castanic female heavy armour. The various light armours (light armour is the set of armour which provides a mixture of protection from some blows, with the ability to move quickly if necessary) tend to provide more coverage to the abdomen and chest than the heavy armours.

    (By the bye – a quick perusal of the various armours available in both heavy and light variants for the male castanics puts more weight on my theory that the castanic race as a whole is possessed of a strange anatomical quirk which puts their major organs and intestines out in the limbs, rather than hiding them within the torso, since both sexes appear to enjoy abdomen-baring armour. Either that or their navels are exquisitely sensitive, to the point where any amount of coverage is enough to cause serious pain).

  7. I just found your blog the other week.

    I’m not immediately familiar with TERA though I have in the past played more than one MMO. I’m in 100% agreement with your assessment and am really glad to see what you’re posting.

    I think it’s worth noting that the male screenshots you’ve posted are hands down the most sexualized male characters I’ve seen in a game of this genre. And you essentially admit that in more words. But it doesn’t change the unequal treatment. Great post.

    • Grr. Don’t even get me started on DC. And people ask me why I don’t read comics… >:|

      My rule has always been if I wouldn’t be allowed to wear it to work, then it’s not pants.

      • OK I do not know if you really do not read comic books anymore or just ignoring the ones with the bikini chain mail-like fail, but if it is the latter then you have Batgirl #22 out this week from DC and not a girl in her undies running around in that one and the banter might be of interest to you also.

        If I am wrong or of topic or you really did stop reading comics to avoid watching women in their undies fighting large burly men pop up suddenly on the next page, I apologize in advance for wasting your chat space.

        • I avoid comics because comics are one of the few areas of geekdom that is EVEN MORE SEXIST than gaming. I have a few series that I follow (Buffy and Angel), but that’s more out of love for Joss Whedon than a love for comics. And even the Buffy/Angel comics have problematic stuff in them in the way they’re drawn.

          • I’m laughing at the idea of you enjoying that stuff. If Plato was still alive then Joss Whedon would be his ideal of the proverbial “nice guy”.

            But seriously, you might want to try getting into comics again; you could just go to a your local book store and pick up a graphic novel if you don’t particularly care about superheroes. No creeps around. (and if superheroes are your particular thing, digital distribution is finally starting to make those fucking comic book stores obsolete.)

            • Most of what I would want to follow is superheroes and I’m not about to give money to Marvel OR DC considering how badly they continue to fail at sexism on a regular basis.

              • Marvel and DC are not the only publishers out there, and also you probably know this but not everybody pays for the comics they read.

  8. I am honestly surprised that no one bothered to outright Godwin you in the comments. Usually, that comes right after “hurr hurr yer fug” and “I’m female and this doesn’t bother me!”

    As for the link: I seem to recall someone linking it at MMO-Champion not too long ago. It probably made its way from there.

  9. I found this blog a few months back, and ever since I’ve been reading it. I think it’s amazing what your doing here. It has changed the way I look at games completely. Thank you!

    On a side note, I’ve found an article about female characters on IGN and I don’t know if you have seen it. Here you go.

  10. You should make up and spread a new word for the genre, and make the authors self-conscious about it.. something like ‘underpants fantasy’ 🙂

  11. the solution is obviously to sexualize the males more

    i am literally not kidding. they aren’t really twinky enough for me but i could live with it/might dig it at some future time. also the women should get the option to have more fullbody mechlike armor because i had a crush on Justice from Guilty Gear

    is this game like an RPG or what

    • maybe let the guy characters privately use the current womens costumes

      of course you probably wouldnt want to let anybody else see that except in pvp to disconcert them, so add an option to just make their armor look like that on my/your side

      maybe someone could mod that in

  12. I find it more disconcerting that any mention of sex inequality from the female side *must* be feminist, without fail; feminist in that context basically equates to ‘undesirable’. It’s not that you couldn’t be feminist (though I have seen nothing so far to suggest that you identify as such), but thinking that such things only concern feminist women is ridiculous.

  13. First thing’s first, to me, this was the most modest of the CASTANIC robes: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fr/2464-castanic_f_r06.html
    Notice she’s wearing pants? There are actually quite a few occurrences where she wears pants that you seemed to have missed.
    One of the legs is split here, but still, it’s not too much skin: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fl/2454-castanic_f_l13.html
    See? Both hips covered.

    If we’re on the subject of quantity of skin being shown, the High Elves, Aman, and even Baraka (males) show a lot of skin.
    Aman: (They wear less lower coverage than the Castanics!)
    Baraka: (Notice on the back shot.)
    High Elf: (I’m just gonna give you the whole damn gallery)

    And with your feelings that the Castanic males are not as sexualized as the females, I have a problem. You seem to be alluding to more skin = more sexualized, which isn’t ENTIRELY correct (in my humble opinion, of course). It does have so effect, yes, but it doesn’t, by any means, have all the effect. (Note: Until further notice, most of this stuff is pulled directly out of my ass! :D) You also have to take into account posture*, and facial expressions (which, in my opinion, have more baring on sexualization than just a mere lack of clothes). Then you have to face the facts that maybe, men and women look in different places for something to find sexually attractive.
    (Completely pulled out of my ass -v)
    Going on the how-to-dress-for-sexytime route:
    Most women I know like a guy who knows how to keep his shirt on, they like a guy who knows how to dress up a little, but still knows how and when to pull off “Bow chicka wow wow mode” without looking cheesy. While, of course, guys like to see the woman’s silhouette, and the natural grace of her curves, hence why guys like looking at scantily clad women.
    (Damn, it’s getting late)
    For the posture route:
    In general, (for pre-relationship/pre-flirting/COMPLETELY anonymous perception) women usually look for how a man observes his surroundings, knowing full well where he stands, and how events are flowing around him. (Confident, but still watchful eyes, shoulders back to show dominance, straight back for strength, and feet aligned with hips for sturdiness)
    For men, it seems to be a bit different. Now, I’m not a dude, so I don’t know what exactly goes on in their heads, but have seen how they react to this kind of stuff, and by what I’ve seen, they seem to look at how the woman pays attention to the events concerning herself, and those who have her attention, and how she internalizes and responds to those events. (which is why most, sensible guy, (who isn’t looking for a piece of ass) pays notice to the insecure-but-totally-fine-with-it girl, and totally freaks about her.)
    I could go on about how this probably relates to back in the stone age, where men were the hunters and had to look out and protect the family, where women had to stay in the cave and keep everyone sane, but it’s 4:30 am here, and the purple unicorn in the corner of my room is singing La Cucaracha, and he doesn’t usually do that. (Usually it’s I’m a Little Tea Pot.)

    *(Here’s a playlist of emotes of every race and sex in the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Q7iUvfJ1E&feature=mh_lolz&list=PLC38F516C9B28535D Hopefully you can practice some rectum unclenching exercises while you endure the jiggle physics. They caaaaaan be a biiiiit ridiculous at times.)

    P.S. Your last post on Tera made me very very angry. Not only because, and let’s be honest, you did very minimal research on what the characters ARE, but I wrote out a nice LOOOOONG post trying to explain a version of my above post that actually makes sense, one that has actual backing and a proper flow. I mean this was a GOLDEN post on how beautiful, in my eye that is, Tera’s art direction really is. But then WordPress decided to be a jerk and eat my post like it was nothing. :C

  14. First off, in my mind, this was the most modest of the CASTANIC robes: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fr/2464-castanic_f_r06.html
    Notice she’s wearing pants? There are actually quite a few occurrences where she wears pants that you seemed to have missed.
    One of the legs is split here, but still, it’s not too much skin: http://tera-online.cc/gallery/renders/races/castanic-female/castanic-fl/2454-castanic_f_l13.html
    See? Both hips covered.

    If we’re on the subject of quantity of skin being shown, the High Elves, Aman, and even Baraka (males) show a lot of skin.
    Aman: (They wear less lower coverage than the Castanics!)
    Baraka: (Notice on the back shot.)
    High Elf: (I’m just gonna give you the whole damn gallery)

    And with your feelings that the Castanic males are not as sexualized as the females, I have a problem. You seem to be alluding to more skin = more sexualized, which isn’t ENTIRELY correct (in my humble opinion, of course). It does have so effect, yes, but it doesn’t, by any means, have all the effect. (Note: Until further notice, most of this stuff is pulled directly out of my ass! :D) You also have to take into account posture*, and facial expressions (which, in my opinion, have more baring on sexualization than just a mere lack of clothes). Then you have to face the facts that maybe, men and women look in different places for something to find sexually attractive.
    (Completely pulled out of my ass -v)
    Going on the how-to-dress-for-sexytime route:
    Most women I know like a guy who knows how to keep his shirt on, they like a guy who knows how to dress up a little, but still knows how and when to pull off “Bow chicka wow wow mode” without looking cheesy. While, of course, guys like to see the woman’s silhouette, and the natural grace of her curves, hence why guys like looking at scantily clad women.
    (Damn, it’s getting late)
    For the posture route:
    In general, (for pre-relationship/pre-flirting/COMPLETELY anonymous perception) women usually look for how a man observes his surroundings, knowing full well where he stands, and how events are flowing around him. (Confident, but still watchful eyes, shoulders back to show dominance, straight back for strength, and feet aligned with hips for sturdiness)
    For men, it seems to be a bit different. Now, I’m not a dude, so I don’t know what exactly goes on in their heads, but have seen how they react to this kind of stuff, and by what I’ve seen, they seem to look at how the woman pays attention to the events concerning herself, and those who have her attention, and how she internalizes and responds to those events. (which is why most, sensible guy, (who isn’t looking for a piece of ass) pays notice to the insecure-but-totally-fine-with-it girl, and totally freaks about her.)
    I could go on about how this probably relates to back in the stone age, where men were the hunters and had to look out and protect the family, where women had to stay in the cave and keep everyone sane, but it’s 4:30 am here, and the purple unicorn in the corner of my room is singing La Cucaracha, and he doesn’t usually do that. (Usually it’s I’m a Little Tea Pot.)

    Moral of the story: Gender roles suck, wordpress eats long posts, and don’t delve into deep psychology and try to write about it after 1 am in the morning.

    *(Here’s a playlist of emotes of every race and sex in the game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Q7iUvfJ1E&feature=mh_lolz&list=PLC38F516C9B28535D Hopefully you can practice some rectum unclenching exercises while you endure the jiggle physics. They can be a biiiiit ridiculous at times.)

    P.S. Your last post on Tera made me very very angry. Not only because, and let’s be honest, you did very minimal research on what the characters ARE, but I wrote out a nice LOOOOONG post trying to explain a version of my above post that actually makes sense, one that has actual backing and a proper flow. I mean this was a GOLDEN post on how beautiful, in my eye that is, Tera’s art direction really is. But then WordPress decided to be a jerk and eat my post like it was nothing. :C So here’s a nice, disgusting, non-revised, full of bullshit, post.

  15. […] Argument fail: Why the idealization of men in video games (Marcus Fenix, WoW men, etc) is not and never will be the same as the rampant sexualization of female characters (related: no sexy men with open shirts and low cut pants are not “as bad” as women wearing two spa…) […]

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